Art by
Lesley Melody
Artist, Designer, Maker, Creative.
Featured Collections
Featured Collections
Every year the Australian Grand Prix makes its home across the road from where we lived in Albert Park, Melbourne. Early in the New Year the Park starts to fill up with fences, concrete, trucks, orange vests and bustle. Then for 1 week, around Easter it is all ON. Wonderful noisy chaos.
It takes a month or two to deconstruct the track after the event. This year on my frequent walks around the park I began to notice and pick up discarded signage. These are old signs from previous years that have been cut up and used to level up the concrete track barricades. They are 1/2 buried, covered in mud but with a good scrub they still have a story to tell.

Lost Language.
If we had no written language how would we pass information from group to group, generation to generation. The Lost Language series is my imagining of finding long lost renderings. What are the messages? Lineage, maps of resources, place and space?

Abstracts are often the hardest works to resolve - like starting a journey with no destination in mind and then having to decide if you are there yet.
These works are mostly acrylic/mixed media on board. 30cm x 30cm though there are some larger and further variations.

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Meet the Artist
Hi, I’m Lesley.
I paint and create from my beautiful studio in Haumoana, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
In late 2024 we moved from very urban Melbourne, Australia to very rural New Zealand. It could hardly be more different. From being 4 metres away from a 4 lane main road and one of the busiest tram lines in Melbourne, in a converted shop to Hawkes Bay oil the middle of a vineyard. It sounds like the plot of a TV miniseries!
I am blessed with a beautiful house and a purpose built studio - the dream of any artist.
My paintings are mostly abstract but I am also drawn to landscapes and have an archive of available work. In Australia I sold my work through arts fairs, online, and by entering exhibitions and competitions.
Get in touch.
If you would like to buy a painting, discuss Barry Lett multiples, or join in the conversation about art in general, fill in the form below.
You can also just email me on lesleymelody@gmail.com